Friday, March 8, 2013


Today I received some valuable feedback on a project I've begun. Given that the project is not completed, the critique was more about the process. The advice was helpful nonetheless, and here are some take-aways:

  • Realize what drives your work (process or product) and delve more into that; these are important elements of the work.
  • Research not only the historical context of the particular subject matter, but also the origins of it...the "why."
  • Don't make the expression of your personal identity or your process of self-discovery the central focus of the work. What makes you "you" will always be entwined in the work, regardless. Your own self-discoveries will happen, regardless. So take them away from the spotlight as you work through things outside of yourself. Greater themes, questions, and dialogue will arise. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Discovering What's Already There

What do you do when you discover something, only to realize it had been there all along?! It can be so frustrating to realize you had missed out on it.

This happened recently to a friend who spent an entire year living in a foreign city with no community; feeling depressed and not very motivated to create art. It was only until a few weeks ago that she discovered a local artist collective merely a bike's ride away.

And today, I discovered that the building where I have a studio in has a wash out sink for screen printing...I've spent a year applying for the studio to approve renovations for a wash out sink.

What do you do in times like this?  It makes me so frustrated! Think of the things we could have done sooner! Think of how much better off we'd be?! Why didn't someone tell us?!  But maybe it is better this way.

- Rather than regretting what we missed out on, we embrace the opportunities each present moment gives us.

- Time was not "wasted," we explored / learned in the meantime, and are better equipped now.

- It's better than never discovering it at all! Better late than never.

- We would have no need for discovery without some form of "missing out" in the first place.

An artist friend of mine recently said "it's not about the failures, it's how you respond to them...those are the moments that develop your character."

Or the corny phrase, "It's not about the destination, it's about the journey."

The same can be said for relationships! Let's say 3 years from now you'll be married to so-and-so... and this person lived a block away from you this whole time...perhaps you even passed this person on the street without knowing it.

This was a time that developed you to be the person you were when you did finally meet.

Ok, corny, but that's how I see it.